Infinite Banking Strategies Business Owners WISH They Knew | “Inspired To Invest” Ep67 with Anthony Fasco & Cameron Christiansen

By Serena Holmes

Infinite Banking Strategies Business Owners WISH They Knew!

Have you ever wondered how financial crises can lead to groundbreaking innovations in wealth management?

Welcome back to the 67th episode of “Inspired To Invest”. Join us as we sit down with Anthony Fasco and Cameron Christiansen from Infinite Wealth, who reveal their journeys from traditional roles to pioneers of infinite banking.

Anthony, once a CPA, and Cameron, who found his way through a mortgage broker’s advice, share how they now help business owners, real estate investors, and entrepreneurs utilize specially designed life insurance policies to grow and preserve their capital.

We uncover the nuts and bolts of infinite banking for real estate investments, highlighting its unique advantage of borrowing against a policy’s cash value for perpetual reinvestment. Anthony and Cameron emphasize the unparalleled control and flexibility this method offers over conventional investment strategies.

Their personal stories and experiences illustrate the profound impact of this financial tool, making a compelling case for why education and robust guidance are essential for anyone looking to adopt this approach.

Lastly, we delve into the critical distinctions between speculating, saving, and investing, underscoring the importance of intentional saving and thorough due diligence. Drawing from personal milestones and long-term financial goals, we discuss strategies to adapt to market shifts and maintain a sustainable vision for wealth accumulation.

Wrapping up with actionable insights, we encourage our listeners to take the leap, seek community support, and invest in themselves while also emphasizing the importance of professional advice for a successful financial journey.

To connect with Anthony and Cameron, go to @infinitewealthconsultants on instagram or online. You can also access A FREE online course worth $500!

Thank you to Giancarlo Carangelo from Proventure Real Estate Corp for supporting this month’s episodes.

To learn more about how to scale your real estate investment portfolio with their support and guidance, go to @real_proventure or @carangelorealestate on social or online.

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“Inspired to Invest” is proud to support the Beyond Success Program, a not-for-profit financial literacy program for students, launched by More To Give & MAK Investments. Find out more at

Join us again on Oct. 9 to hear from a commercial realtor who specializes in industrial real estate investing, notably the dynamic small bay flex sector! Thanks again for tuning in & remember, “when you invest in yourself, the sky’s the limit!”

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Real Estate Investing Podcast Transcript

Speaker Names

Serena HolmesHost00:02

Welcome to the Inspire to Invest podcast, where we’re sharing stories from real estate investors and how investing has changed their lives. This episode of the Inspired to Invest podcast has been brought to you by ProVenture Real Estate Corp. Hey, everybody, welcome to Inspire to Invest. I have Anthony and Cameron here with me today, from Las Vegas, Nevada. They have a business called Infinite Wealth as you can see from their backdrop and they’re here today to share some of their knowledge about infinite banking and how it can be beneficial for business owners, real estate investors and entrepreneurs, and also they want to shed a light on how this can help people that are in the pursuit of financial freedom. So thank you for joining us today. How are you guys?

Anthony FascoGuest00:44

We are good and we’re excited to be here. Yeah, thanks for having us Serena.

Serena HolmesHost00:52

So I don’t know too much about you guys. So maybe you can take me back to the beginning and what life looked like before things like real estate and infinite banking came into the picture.

Anthony FascoGuest00:58

Well, I tell you, I’m a self-subscribed recovering CPA. So my life was super exciting. I had my own tax business and we started dealing, working a lot with small business owners and real estate investors and a lot of employees. And then 08 happened, and then I kind of saw I was on the typical path of a typical financial planner and I saw people’s 401k turned into a 201k overnight and they but I also saw some of my clients did actually really well during that time. Those are the ones buying your neighbor’s house for 50 cents on the dollar. So that that was a opening eye for me, because I realized I was on the same path as everybody else and unless I did something different, why would I expect a different result?


So, that’s what really inspired me to really look at other ways and follow the people that were successful and started reading the books that they were doing like Rich Dad, poor Dad and Becoming your Own Banker. But I did something different I actually started to incorporate them. I didn’t just read them, I took action.

Serena HolmesHost02:14

Yeah, yeah, that’s smart.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest02:16

Well said, my background previous to kind of my role here was I was a small business owner, serena, and, to be honest, I had some success and I started acquiring some money, some capital, some cash and I started looking for places to put it and I met I couldn’t tell you the number of traditional financial advisors I met with and, to be honest, the advice that they were giving me never resonated. In fact, I thought it was crazy and I’m like, man, people are actually doing this. People put their money away when they were early twenties and they don’t have access to when they’re 60. I’m like this is nuts, right. So I didn’t do anything.


To be honest, as a small business owner, I sat on cash and, by the grace of God, when my wife and I were buying our house, our broker, I asked him if he had a good book for a young couple and he gave me this weird look and he reached back on his desk and he handed me Nelson’s book and he goes if I would have read this book when I was your age, it would have been the difference of millions of dollars, and it was that sentence, right there, completely changed the financial trajectory of my life and, obviously, my kids, and so I dove into infinite banking.


I spent probably the first year trying to disprove it right, as I read the book and I’d go in there and I’d try to find some errors or mistakes and I’d take it to a guy that I was talking to about it and I couldn’t I couldn’t punch any holes in it, and so what I did is I actually started implementing infinite banking on a small level personally and then, as that started to perform like the book said it would and like the advisor said it would, then I started kind of expanding that system, and so that was about 15 years ago, and then I’ve been teaching clients, business owners and real estate investors the benefits of infinite banking since.

Serena HolmesHost03:57

Yeah, so now I’m sure that there’s people that are watching or listening right now that are like what the heck is infinite banking? So maybe you can shed some light on how that works and why it’s so advantageous. Maybe what makes it different from other things that might be out there?

Anthony FascoGuest04:11

Well, I would say, if you’ve been around, particularly in the real estate field, you’ve probably heard about infinite banking and you’ve probably heard it. This is the most amazing thing you could ever do, or this is a scam and it’s the worst thing you can do. Those are both. Those are both opinions and, to be honest, the facts are somewhere in the middle. Right, this isn’t going to cure all your woes, and nor is this a scam or the worst thing ever. Right, but really, the way that I describe it is, the goal is to invest right, and thus we teach our clients, you know, to get our passive income to be more than our monthly expenses. That’s the goal, and one way to do that is real estate or business or whatever. But whatever you’re going to invest in, it’s going to take some capital, and really what infinite banking is is where do we store that capital? And really what infinite banking is is where do we store that capital?


Most of the time, people will just use cash, say, for their down payments. That’s good, but it’s not great. The reason being is because every time you withdraw the money from your account, you break the compound interest curve. Yeah, but with infinite banking, we just really replace a bank, a bank. Instead of putting the money in a bank and withdrawing the money to invest the down payment, we put this money in a specially designed, high cash value life insurance policy and we use that money to invest.


So, really, to me, I view this as like my rewards credit card for investing, as like my rewards credit card for investing right, I’m going to, I’m going to buy this property anyways, but by adding one extra, I wish I could use my rewards credit card. I mean that would be fantastic, but I can’t, but instead I use my policy. So, instead of just like we’re buying anything, instead of using a credit card, we use a policy. Instead of getting miles, we get more money. So I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that this is not an either or. We’re not saying get all your money in life insurance or real estate. You have the ability to do both and when you do this, just like your rewards credit card, we’re getting additional benefits, and those benefits are going to be is your capital is protected, typically from creditors and lawsuits, and we’re never going to break that compound interest curve and instead of getting miles, when, in retirement, we can turn all this compound interest into tax-free cashflow to supplement your retirement.

Serena HolmesHost06:42

Yeah, no, and I think that’s so strategic. I met with someone and they had a great metaphor for it. They said you know, if you planted an apple orchard, would you cut down the trees every time you want to eat, or would you pick the apples? And I was like, well, obviously you just pick the apples.


and it sounds so simple, stupid, but it makes perfect sense when it comes to infinite banking and it’s just a concept that people find very difficult to wrap their head around, like just in terms of how it actually works. Maybe you guys can shed some light on, you know, some of those real life examples. So if someone starts this policy, like you know, I have a couple hundred thousand dollars I want to invest like what kind of plan would that look like? And then how do they access that for the purpose of investing?

Cameron ChristiansenGuest07:19

Yeah, great, great question, serena. As far as policy design goes, based upon somebody’s situation, there’s a bunch of different ways that we can approach it. If somebody comes to us and says, hey, I’ve got a couple hundred thousand dollars that’s pretty typical for real estate investors We’ve acquired cash, we’re sitting on it. We have several designs that are specific to that. One that I’ll touch on here would be kind of a one and done. Or maybe we’ve got 200,000 that we probably won’t have next year.


Once we do a little bit of education, clients will realize that it’s really difficult to get large amounts of money into a policy without running into some tax implications.


And so one of the workarounds that we have is what we call a one and done, where we’ll fund a policy with kind of an add-on, a holding account, but then we can turn around and we can access greater than 90% of what’s put in there.


And so what clients are going to do is they’re going to write a check, write one time to the insurance company, it goes on deposit, and then what we’ll do is we’ll set up some sort of collateralizing or take a loan against that, and then what we do is we leverage the policy and then we turn around and we go and invest into whatever somebody wants to invest in single family, multifamily, whatever their skill set is best suited for. And it’s really that loan process that Anthony had mentioned a minute ago that is really the benefit to this in the long run is you can always take your money out of the policy as a surrender. Your money out of the policy as a surrender, but man, utilizing those loan provisions and being educated on those while you’re building equity and appreciation over your lifetime, man, that’s really what’s going to be key.

Serena HolmesHost08:52

Can you give any examples of how you both have used it for your own portfolio?

Anthony FascoGuest08:58

I tell you we could have this whole episode on doing it, but there’s a lot of IBC uh groups out there. A lot of them will use a policy which we would say for liabilities, like financing cars and education totally works for that, but we like to focus on using it for assets. So, for example, I bought many pieces of rental property and that down payment’s got to come from somewhere. I use the down payment from my policy and I use that for the down payment and I use the cashflow from that property Instead of putting it into somebody else’s bank. From that property, instead of putting it into somebody else’s bank, I put it back into my policy and then I can reuse it. And what’ll happen is, once that money is put back, we never broke the compound interest curve. Our policy continued to grow because we never we didn’t withdraw the money. We’daged against it. So what that means is our policy. Cash value is still what it would have been if we didn’t use it. But now we have one asset, one cash flowing asset. So you know what we do.


What Cameron likes to say rinse and repeat. Then we buy because Cameron has great hair If you’re not watching it, I just listened to it. Then we buy a second property and now we have the cash flow from property one, cash flow from property two. So in theory we could repay or put that money back in half the time. Then we rinse and repeat and buy a third one. So it’s often used I’ve used it for real estate and when we’ve done some investments like we are flipping raw land in the middle of nowhere. I needed some capital to invest in there, came from my policy and then I took the proceeds or profits from the land flipping and put it back in there so I could reuse it from my policy.

Serena HolmesHost10:59

Yeah, yeah, I mean I think it’s something that’s hard for some people to grasp, because the idea of like borrowing it from yourself and like within the policy, and just all the nuances of that, I think sometimes people have a hard time rubbing their head around you know, serena, it is a little difficult and there’s a lot of miseducation out there.

Anthony FascoGuest11:17

So we’re really big on education. We put all of our clients, no matter where their history is coming from. We put them through our education process and we do have an online course which, at the end of the podcast for your listeners, we’re going to give them free access to our course. Sorry if I interrupted. No, I was going to give them free access to our course.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest11:38

Sorry if I interrupted. No, I was going to add on to what you said. There is that, serene. One of the things that I think is important is that people aren’t educated. They’re typically in the financial world. They’re educated or instructed to hand their money over to somebody else, and I think that’s one of the key differences. And Anthony mentioned this earlier.


But if you look at real estate investors and business owners, man, anthony and I have been in this space for 15 years. The first seven nobody had a clue what infinite banking was. The last seven, it’s just caught on fire. Because of the personality of those two individuals is that they want control and typically every investment opportunity out there takes away control from them. This provides way more control. Right as you have your money in your policy, you can take a loan for whatever you want. There’s no one out there dictating what you can do with it. You asked for examples on how we invest it. We’ve got a bunch of them, but the two best places that people can leverage money on the policy one is going to be real estate and then the other one is going to be into a business.

Serena HolmesHost12:43

Yeah, and I think the education piece is extremely important because, speaking for myself, I actually had a policy like this and I really had no idea what you could really use it for. I understood, yes, there’s this cash value to it. I didn’t understand you could borrow against it and the policy loans and all of that. And I think maybe a year into COVID or so, I was like, why do I have all this insurance? Like I don’t need all this stuff. And I canceled it, not even realizing, like, what the true value of it was, because the advisor I was working with didn’t ever articulate it as robustly as you should have, you know. And now that I’ve gotten to know a lot of people that are in this space, I’m like, oh, why did I do that?


To get some of my capital back to kind of start fresh and and go through things, set it up kind of the right way. But on that note, we’re just going to take a really brief break for our sponsors and we’ll be right back. Welcome to the wealth club, an exclusive community dedicated to elevating your journey towards financial freedom, well-being and success. The journey to 1% starts here. Join like-minded leaders and commit to growth for the mind, body, bankroll and soul. Learn all the proven techniques to change your life forever, with direct access to a massive team of more than 10 tried and true experts. Moreover, members enjoy priority access to investment opportunities, job openings and partnerships within the community. For just $1 a day, members gain entry to specialized forums covering a wide spectrum of fields. Discover diverse income streams, new opportunities, collaborations and employment. Partake in weekly Zoom calls with our team and join monthly live Q&A sessions. Compete and win cash prizes. Active members top the leaderboard for monthly rewards. Ready to get started? Join today to unlock your true potential. To sign up, go to scrollcom forward slash the wealth club.


Thanks again for following along with this episode of inspired to invest. In addition to real estate investing and running my own brand experience agency for 18 years. I also published a book with this episode of Inspired to Invest. In addition to real estate investing and running my own brand experience agency for 18 years, I also published a book called the Accidental Entrepreneur in October of 2021. This is my story and it chronicles how I turned tragedy into triumph to embrace my destiny in entrepreneurship. If you’re interested in picking up a copy, you can find the link at serenahomesrealtorcom and you can also find my link tree with all of the retailers in the details below. Thanks again for your support.


Inspired to Invest is proud to support the Beyond Success program. In today’s complex world, it’s absolutely crucial for our youth to learn how to take charge of their financial future. We believe that every young person deserves access to accurate, practical financial information. Designed to bridge the gap, the Beyond Success program leverages a comprehensive educational boot camp to equip young minds with essential financial literacy skills. At Beyond Success, it’s not just about teaching financial literacy. It’s also about fostering a foundation for a prosperous and empowered future. Join us Together, we can build a brighter financial future for the next generations. Join us Together, we can build a brighter financial future for the next generations. Hey, everybody, welcome back to Inspired to Invest. When we’re talking about infinite banking and how you can leverage it as a business owner, entrepreneur and real estate investor. Now, one thing I always like to ask people is what would you say is the craziest thing that you’ve experienced as a real estate investor or as a business owner?

Anthony FascoGuest16:09

One of the craziest things I had with one of my rental properties. I got this bill for some repair work on my rental properties and it turns out I had nine bullet holes in the property. Fortunately and I even saw the pictures, for it was on the outside Fortunately nobody got hurt. But you know, what that did do is that inspired me. I’ve always I’ve been meaning to to get my properties in an LLC and get an asset protection trust. I just didn’t make the phone call but I’m like that inspired me, hey it’s time for us to get this thing done.

Serena HolmesHost16:59

Yeah, that’s a big one.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest17:01

As far as the craziest what I would say is just losing money is, I bought just under the wrong premise. Years ago I bought some raw land and I bought it for pure speculation. Right, we’re in Las Vegas. Outside of Las Vegas, there was supposed to be some development. I went out and I bought some land and sat on it and it’s lost, continued to lose value year over year, right, and so one of the craziest things that I would share with people is that right is you gotta buy on principles. You can’t just buy in pure speculation. It’s a mistake that a lot of people made myself personally, so that’s in our course as well.

Serena HolmesHost17:40

Yeah, no, I think that’s a big one. Now, is there anything that you would say that you feel like are one of the biggest challenges or obstacles that you’ve faced as you’ve grown in scales?

Anthony FascoGuest17:52

For me. I’m not only nearsighted visually but also mentally, like I could see a couple, maybe one or two steps ahead of me, but I can’t see five or ten. And so that has hindered my growth because I kind of don’t think I can or I can’t see. It seems too hard or too far, or I don’t see. It seems too hard or too far. And so one of the things that we did to kind of help, that is, we implemented the Entrepreneur’s Operating System, or the EOS, and that kind of forced us to really start thinking about long-term and what is that long-term goal? And what that allowed us to do is to build in systems. Because, again, I was like a solopreneur when I had my CPA firm. It was kind of me If I wanted it done right, I had to do it, which is partly why I got burnt out. But being able to incorporate the EOS and build the systems and feel comfortable with the teams and having people help has really extended my vision.

Serena HolmesHost19:08

Yeah, that’s a big one. Now, in terms of things that you feel like you’re very proud of, is there anything that stands out to you that you know you feel like is one of your biggest successes?

Cameron ChristiansenGuest19:19

Yeah, I would say one of the things I’m most proud of, uh working with me.


I would say stay in the course. It is as an entrepreneur. Uh, I look back at kind of my career and when I got into kind of the advising space is you get pulled in so many directions and everybody tells you that you have to do everything. And, man, you know what? Our decision early on has been to focus on one thing and get really, really good at it. And we’ve been doing this for 15 years. And I say this and I don’t want to have it to come off as bragging in any way, but man, we’ve, we’ve focused, we specialize over the last 15 years and I’m proud to say that I think we’re one of the top IBC practitioners in the country, and so that doesn’t come overnight, it comes through years of just staying the course and making sure you’re providing value to your client. So that’d be the biggest thing I’m proud of. Yeah.

Serena HolmesHost20:14

Now, when it comes to advice, I’m sure that you know infinite banking is obviously a big part of that, but would you say that there’s anything else that stands out to you as some of the best advice that you’ve received?

Anthony FascoGuest20:26

man so much.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest20:27

Yeah, I kind of want to go for it.


Yeah, one of my, one of my favorite. I alluded to it earlier. One of my favorite pieces of advice is that words are important and if you’ve got somebody out there that’s just listening and just getting into real estate or thinking about taking that first step, one of the best things that they can do is they can go look up these three words One is going to be speculating, one is going to be in saving and then one is going to be investing. In our industry, those words are often misused simultaneously, right, interchangeably, but they mean drastically different items, and so look those up and anytime you see those words, make sure you understand exactly what you’re doing.


One of the things I share with clients is the act of saving is an intentional act. That should be kind of a monthly like hey, I need to take some money out, I need to put it away somewhere safe Investing. There’s a level of due diligence that comes along with investing right. It’s not just throwing money at something. Most of the time it’s going to be investing in something that you know and you understand and that you’ve got an advantage in. Speculating is where you’re just throwing money and you’re hoping and praying that it works out for you I’ve done this right. I already shared that story. But this is what 90% of people are doing out there is they’re just purely speculating and they believe that they’re investing. And so if somebody is out there just getting started or looking to reassess kind of what they’re doing, man, go look those three words up, write down the definitions and then maybe categorize some of the things that you’re doing based upon the definition, and I think they’ll be surprised.

Serena HolmesHost21:56

Yeah, and I think it’s also important to that point just to also consider strategies that require change. So there could be something that you’ve done for a period of time and then there’s a shift in the market and it requires you to look at it through different lines or or make a change, because what was working five to ten years in a row suddenly is no longer working right. So I think you just have to keep your ear to the ground and just be mindful of shifts that could impact what you thought was like a tried and true strategy, right?


when it comes to financial freedom, would you say that you have a particular number in mind, and I know a lot of investors like to, you know, put their number of doors on their Instagram bios and stuff like that. So I mean, it means different things to different people. It could be cash flow return on time. Would you say that there’s something in your mind that you’re reaching towards?

Anthony FascoGuest22:41

I did For me. I got a number 10 grand a month. Now that might sound like a lot of money to some people and it might sound like a small amount to some people, but I feel comfortable that that I can survive off at 10 grand a month if I needed to. But what I’ve done is I want, I’m, my goal is to have that for multiple sources. So I want to have the 10 grand from my long-term rentals, I want the 10 grand from my land flipping business, and then also we love what we do, so I don’t really consider this too much of a work or a job. So my, I want to get 10 grand of passive income from my business, uh, uh, as well. So then, if one doesn’t hit or I’m sure I can live off 30 grand, uh, 30 grand a month my wife may differ.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest23:34

I was surprised when you said 10. I’m like, all right yeah.

Serena HolmesHost23:39

Yeah, well, it needs and wants, I guess, right.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest23:41

What would be your best for?

Serena HolmesHost23:42

you both.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest23:44

Uh, we we’ve, I’ll, I’ll, jump in there. Um, we we’ve. We’ve been in this space for a while, but, uh, infinite wealth, uh, we’re going on our fifth year and, to be honest, serena is the first. Several years it was kind of like hey, can we, can we have a business relationship? Right, can we work together? Uh well, we figured out that we can and we’re having a good time.

Serena HolmesHost24:03


Cameron ChristiansenGuest24:04

And so now what we’ve done the last 18 months is we’ve actually expanded infinite wealth quite a bit. We’ve actually doubled in size, and it’s not out of selfish needs, it’s man. Once you realize the impact that you can have on individuals, it’s pretty exciting. And so for the first several years we kind of stayed at a certain size. Just, hey, man, you know, we’re living a great life here, this is a lot of fun, and now we’re going to expand this thing out.

Serena HolmesHost24:35

We are bringing in additional people and having a much bigger impact. Yeah, for sure. Now, since the name of this podcast is Inspired to Invest, I always like to ask people what’s a particular quote that motivates or inspires them. Anything, jump to mind?

Cameron ChristiansenGuest24:46

Yeah, mine is. I believe it’s Proverbs 13, 22. It’s a wise man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children. So Anthony talked about vision earlier. I have the same thing, right, I think a lot of people struggle. I get kind of blinded with what’s immediate in front of me, even as a business owner, right, you get bogged down in those day-to-day tasks.


Bogged down in those day-to-day tasks and you have to be intentional to kind of bring your head up and not work on the business, not work in the business but on the business, and I think that quote has always reminded me over the years to kind of keep my vision long-term and make sure that I’m not planning just for me but I’m planning for my kids and also my children’s children.

Anthony FascoGuest25:25

And I would add think long-term. And that’s helped me. When I’m struggling or I have a bad investment or a bad period, I’m like think long-term because what’s going to happen in the future. And I know with this podcast, inspire to Invest, I’m sure there’s people that are just sitting on the fence. I know I read Rich dad, poor dad. This all sounds good, but there’s a little level of fear and maybe they’re they’re cautious to take that first step. Let’s think long-term. Like that first deal that you do, or two, the goal should be of getting the education and experience for the next one. If you make money, great. But the key thing is we start thinking long-term and then we, when we get hit with these small obstacles, it helps us be able to see past that.

Serena HolmesHost26:22

Yeah, no for sure, and I think there’s so many more resources out today than there were maybe 10 years ago, right, so you can educate yourself, I think fairly quickly, by taking advantage of things like this, and then you can take action and ideally, just get where you want to go that much faster Now for anyone that wants to get in touch with you guys to learn more about Infinite Wealth. What’s the best way for them to reach you?

Anthony FascoGuest26:43

Yeah, we’re on all the social media channels. Infinite Wealth Consultants we’re going to put in the show notes. Uh are like link tree, so you have linked to our podcast. We do a lot on uh YouTube, some long form, but then we also do the the the short form on all of the social medias.


And what I would encourage people if you’re, if you’re in the real estate space, you owe it to yourself to look into infinite banking. Maybe when you look into it and it’s not for you, this isn’t for everybody but if you can find the right person and the right coach that can guide you to improve the results that you do with your investing, infinite banking can be a great tool and one of the reasons that I like, one of the many reasons why I like real estate maybe because I’m recovering CPA. But the tax advantages I mean there’s some amazing tax advantages and there’s some tax advantages of infinite banking. Not only is your policy growing tax-free, but we can actually create tax deductions when you use it for real estate. So we take real estate and encompass with infinite banking. We’re really taking advantage of the tax code.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest28:12

Serena, a specific resource that somebody’s listening and they are interested. Where they can go is they actually can go to infinitewealthconsultantscom forward slash, inspired to invest, and where that’ll take them? It’ll take them to our online course. Typically, we charge $500 for access, but as a thank you for having us, we’ll give them free access to your listeners. When they go in there, what they’re going to find is just pure education. There’s no sales, there’s no nothing. It’s just a whole bunch of case studies and some videos educating some of the basics on IBC. So if somebody has some questions, great first step, I’ll give you that link so you can put it in the show notes.

Anthony FascoGuest28:49

So you have that ability, you can learn about infinite banking for free. We’re not going to ask for your phone number. We’re not going to hound. You will be on our email list, okay, but check this out, yeah, I mean, you have this free resource.

Serena HolmesHost29:06

I mean because it’s not so much even about the money you make, it’s about the money you keep Right. So just finding those I don’t want to say loopholes, but those strategies where you can obviously just make the most of what you’re earning and, ideally like, preserve your wealth and leave that legacy, I think, is really, really important. Is there anything else that you wanted to leave anyone with before we wrap up?

Cameron ChristiansenGuest29:28

I’d say take action. That’s what I was going to say. I beat you to it.

Serena HolmesHost29:32

You’re working together for too long yeah.

Anthony FascoGuest29:35

Well, I would say, read Becoming your Own Banker. But probably most of your listeners have read Rich Dad, poor Dad. Knowledge is not power. Action Knowledge is the potential of power. You have to take that knowledge and put it into action. So, whatever you’re kind of debating about or having a little bit about, fear, taking that next step. I encourage you to do so.

Cameron ChristiansenGuest30:02

Since I said it but you took it is that getting community with other people right Is because one of the scariest things you can do is take that first step, and if you’re standing there all by yourself it gets really scary right. But if you’ve got somebody or a community around you that’s already taken that first step, there’s gonna be a lot of encouragement, it’s much less scarier and you can kind of see the success that lies beyond it.

Serena HolmesHost30:27

Yeah, no, I think that’s amazing. So we’ll include all the resources, of course, in the show notes below. Thank you for taking your time out today to talk with everybody and, of course, for anyone that’s watching or listening. Thank you for your time. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, make sure that you like, comment and subscribe. You can also follow along on social at Inspired to Invest podcast. And remember, when you invest in yourself, the sky’s the limit. Again, thank you to pro venture real estate corp for bringing you this episode of inspired to invest. The views represented on this podcast are for general information only and does not constitute investment or other professional advice or an offering of securities. The host and guests featured on inspired to invest make no representations as to the performance of any particular investment. Should you decide to make an investment, you are responsible for conducting your own review and analysis. It is recommended that you obtain independent legal accounting and tax advice from licensed professionals.

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