How To Write and Publish Your Own Book | CREWA Monthly Meeting Jan. 12/24

By Serena Holmes

Have you ever wanted to write and publish your OWN book?

Ah, the journey of transforming a flurry of ideas into a tangible, published book is nothing short of magical! Whether you’re an aspiring author dreaming of seeing your name on the cover of a book cover or a seasoned entrepreneur aiming to share your wisdom, this video is your roadmap to making that dream of becoming a published author a reality. 📚✨

I was recently asked to speak at  @CanadianREWomenAssociation  monthly meeting on Jan. 12 to share my journey as a business owner, entrepreneur, real estate investor – and in the past couple of years, published author!

From a very young age, I’d been told, “your childhood was so crazy; you’ll have to write a book about this one day” – and that’s what I did!

The challenges I experienced paved the path on a road less traveled as a business owner at the age of 23. I felt compelled to put pen to paper to share my story in the hopes of motivating and inspiring others to overcome the obstacles facing them to achieve anything and everything they want to.

Throughout my presentation, I took the audience back to where it all began – my troubled childhood – and how I turned tragedy into triumph to embrace my destiny in entrepreneurship. We dive into the world of book writing and publishing, tailor-made for visionaries ready to leave their mark on the literary world with some simple, tactical steps to get started, and see their work through from blank page, to the bookshelf, and how to become a bestseller.

You might be thinking, “Sure, I’ve got ideas, but how do I even start?” or “Publishing sounds like a mountain of a task.” Fear not! We’ve got you covered with actionable steps, insider tips, and personal anecdotes that’ll guide you through the entire process.

👉 For all the tips, watch the video until the end and read along below!

FINDING YOUR VOICE: Learn how to harness your unique perspective and experiences to create content that resonates. It’s all about making your reader feel something, connecting on a deeper level. THE

WRITING PROCESS: Discover strategies to overcome the infamous writer’s block and maintain a flow that feels as natural as a conversation with a good friend. We’ll share how setting a daily writing goal can transform your idea into a complete manuscript.

EDITING YOUR WORK: : Editing is where the real magic happens. We’ll show you how to polish your work until it shines, ensuring your message is clear, engaging, and impactful.

NAVIGATING THE WORLD OF PUBLISHING: Traditional vs. self-publishing – which path is right for you? We’ll demystify the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals.

MARKETING YOUR MASTERPIECE: Writing your book is just the beginning. Learn effective strategies to get your book into the hands of eager readers, build your audience, and even land on bestseller lists.

🎉 Whether you’re a real estate mogul looking to share your expertise, a passionate storyteller ready to weave your narrative, or somewhere in between, this video is your first step towards becoming a published author. Don’t let your story remain untold.

Let’s embark on this journey together and turn your dream into a reality. Remember, every bestselling author started with a single word. What will yours be? Loved this video? Hit that like button and subscribe for more content on achieving your dreams and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Share this video with a friend who’s ready to take the leap into authorship and join our community of dreamers and doers.

Ready to write your own success story? Let’s get started.

For a copy of my book The Accidental Entrepreneur, click here.


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